Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte the doctor! At me pregnancy of 27 weeks, genikolog has sent mine...

24.07.2004, 19:29
Zdrastvujte the doctor! At me pregnancy of 27 weeks, mine genikolog has sent me on consultation to infektsionistu in occasion of a virus gerpisa in a blood. On reception at the doctor I have told that being the pregnant woman at me twice on labiums arose gerpis and I it or him than did not treat. Infektsionist vipisala to me of a suppository " Viferon - 1 " and " Viferon - 2 " in an anus. Tell or say please, whether it is possible to apply them during pregnancy or it is possible it will be limited "atsiklovirom" immediately at occurrence gerpisa?

26.07.2004, 22:55
In this section there are no doctors. As to Viferona - it or him to apply it is possible. Practically all appoint or nominate at treatment of all diseases though more all he is effective in a complex with other preparations.