Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I treat erosion shejki uteruses. The doctor to me has appointed or nominated wads with lekar...

25.07.2004, 07:20
I treat erosion shejki uteruses. The doctor to me has appointed or nominated wads with a medicine and has recommended before introduction of a wad to process shejku uteruses a wad, propitanym 3 h % Acetum for excision of slime which accompanies with erosion. Comment, please, on such kind of processing. Thanks.

26.07.2004, 10:43
Olga, I your "girlfriend" by misfortune...
Only to me have appointed or nominated other treatment - to do or make klizmachki with a grass of a camomile, and wads of an aloe with honey... About Acetum the doctor of anything to me has not told or said.
The dear doctor, otvette please, the camomile is how much effective at such disease, and it is possible to do or make what else procedures, what medicines to accept?????
Iz-for what there is an erosion???

Oshchepkova S.R.
26.07.2004, 18:15
Trays or Basins with a camomile and processings about 3 % uk. To - that are ineffective for treatment of erosion. If the doctor appoints or nominates similar procedures, as antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory or with any other purpose should do or make their itself. The reasons of occurrence ESHM described above.