Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me to you such question: I 1 accept month OK, and a nem...

25.07.2004, 14:20
The dear doctor! At me to you such question: I 1 accept month OK, and have a little got confused, if I yesterday have drunk last tablet when me now to start to drink sledushchuju a pack? There it is written irrespective of when will come monthly and when they will stop, to start to drink sledushchuju a pack it is necessary in 7 days! Accordingly for the eighth day, and accordingly now to me to begin a new pack it is necessary 4 go July (if has finished on June, 26th), I have correctly understood? Simply when I 2 years ago a saw others OK (the same has been written to instructions), I pochemu-that began a new pack for the seventh day! Probably I then not so have understood something and did or made a mistake or an error?
Thankful in advance for the answer! (Anna, 18)

Soboleva L.I.
26.07.2004, 12:36
Dear Anna! At reception Ok the break for 7 days so the following tablet to you should be accepted 4 go July is done or made.