Просмотр полной версии : At me - beremenost 37 38 ned. By results of US the doctor has assumed obviti...

25.07.2004, 18:38
At me - beremenost 37 38 ned. By results of US the doctor has assumed an encirclement a cord or navel at the child.
It can something threaten the kid (now and during sorts or labors)?
In advance thanks for the answer.

Pasenjuk A.M.
26.07.2004, 09:19
Now an encirclement a cord or navel not so dangerously, though if it hard access of oxygen to the kid is complicated. During sorts or labors it is more complex or difficult - there can be an asphyxia as a result of an encirclement a cord or navel. That it or this does not happen, it is necessary to behave during sorts or labors easy, activly to help or assist the obstetrix or obstetrics in potuzhnom the period (to listen to the obstetrix or obstetrics, it is good to make an effort), as much as possible quickly to give birth.