Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, pozhalujsto explain, that such polycystic ovaries and what beliefs...

25.07.2004, 20:28
The doctor, pozhalujsto explain, that such polycystic ovaries and what probability of their repeated formation... I have forgotten to tell or say, that
After bleedings I even in current of half a year drank vitamins and passed or took place inspections. .u me all was good also me at all have not put on prophylaxis. Whether .tak visiting the gynecologist is important?

Pasenjuk A.M.
26.07.2004, 04:48
Polycystic ovaries, it when is formed many cysts (the blisters or blebs filled by a liquid) in ovaries and a dense capsule that leads to disturbance of maturing jaitsekletki. To solve to you but when a cycle udlinnjaetsja, without the reasons this does not happen. Voobshcheto the healthy woman dollzhna to visit or attend ginekoloa time in 6 months.

26.07.2004, 08:03
The doctor, whether it is dangerous juvenilnoe a bleeding and what
The role it can play in the future. .i still a question, whether it is possible or probable udlinnenie a cycle iz-zi changes
Season, stresses. .ili the transferred or carried disease (I had a hepatitis)