Просмотр полной версии : At the father 1 gr. A floor., at mother 3 gr. otrits. And at the child 4 gr. A floor. Probably l...

25.07.2004, 03:48
At the father 1 gr. A floor., at mother 3 gr. otrits. And at the child 4 gr. A floor. Whether it is possible or probable?

The anonym
26.07.2004, 05:31
Kakie-any doubts in occasion of paternity? Calm down such probably... The child could have a blood as well as 1. And 3. So 4. Tpk that all in the full order!

26.07.2004, 07:31
The dear doctor of many thanks for the answer. Tell or say pozhajlusta unless it is possible to define or determine paternity on gr. Bloods, I heard, that there is a certain scheme or plan of the elementary definition, ostensibly everyone vrach-akusher about it or this knows and it is not necessary to define or determine DNA of parents.