Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Very much I ask you to answer a question. At me pregnancy 7 ned...

24.07.2004, 09:39
Hello! Very much I ask you to answer a question. At me pregnancy of 7 weeks, and I sustanovlenija pregnancy drink djufaston on 2 t. In day. Today has received results of the analysis on Progesteronum (21, 2 nmol/) and vrach has told or said to drink 3 t. In day. Whether tell or say correctly this purpose or appointment and what parameter should be? That the analysis on antibodies to TSMV a floor means. (0, 324)? Thanks for the answer!

Ryazanov And.
26.07.2004, 00:19
Level of Progesteronum really very low. As to antibodies to TSMV it were necessary to specify which antibodies are revealed Ig G or IgM and to result or bring normative parameters as they depend on that laboratory where you handed over the analysis