Просмотр полной версии : I wish to arrive on EKO. To me 32 years. 1996 97-two mini abortion without it is complicated...

25.07.2004, 14:48
I wish to arrive on EKO. To me 32 years. 1996 97-two mini abortion without complications. In 2000 have found out a hysteromyoma of greater or big sizes. From February till November 2001 received diferelin every month. The myoma has considerably decreased, but has not resolved. On November, 7th 2001-a conservative myomectomy. On November, 8th 2002-extrauterine at the left, tubal cesarean. On April, 27th 2003-extrauterine on the right, tubal cesarean. On September, 12th 2003-a picture of pipes, sleva-it is passed or is taken place;is passable, sprava-partially up to an ampullar department. Oktjabr-December 2003 accepted klostilbegit. The first mesjats-50, the second and tretij-on 100. The answer was on the second mesjats-two ootids in the right ovary 20 and 15. Uzi from December till March 2004: at the left folikulov is not present, on the right a lot of fine, suspicions on a polycystosis. But a permeable pipe left. Whether there are at me chances to have children if yes, whether only once I can give birth or travail to that? I shall arrive to you on EKO as soon as I shall receive the answer and I shall collect all analyses. Thanks, very much I hope for you.

Kamenetskij B.A.
25.07.2004, 17:09
Inna! It is complex or difficult to speak about normal permeability of a uterine pipe which has initially been changed (t. To. There has come or stepped an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis) and in a consequence on her the operative measure is spent. To exclude in the given situation of offensive or approach of spontaneous pregnancy certainly it is impossible, but its or her probability is very small.
To me your question on quantity or amount of sorts or labors is not absolutely clear? Carrying out of procedure eko in any way does not limit an opportunity of the woman to give birth or travail more than once.
Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO you can preliminary enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./