Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, whether the level of Prolactinum 500 can affect or influence development mi...

Tatyana, 34
22.07.2004, 09:06
Tell or Say please, whether the level of Prolactinum 500 can affect or influence development of a hysteromyoma, whether it is possible to apply BAD Mastodion reducing Prolactinum. Than the high level of this hormone is still dangerous.

Malanova T.B.
25.07.2004, 15:13
And on what norms or rates you are guided? On VOZovskim to norms or rates the level of Prolactinum is considered normal up to 550. Mastodinon this homeopathic agent does not concern to BADam. For treatment giperprolaktinemii or hysteromyomas it is not used, only if there is an accompanying pathology.