Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. To me 19 years, monthly go on a regular basis approximately through 28...

25.07.2004, 03:05
Hello the doctor. To me 19 years, monthly go on a regular basis approximately in 28 30 days. Gde-that 8 days prior to monthly pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly begin, the uterus is reduced, I directly feel as she is compressed and unclenched, so some times, then ceases, then again and so before monthly, and that day when they begin in a stomach or belly unpleasant sensations and spastic strictures. Still gde-that 6 days prior to a menses the breast increases or is enlarged, veins wine and the are closer monthly the more painfully her to touch. We with the husband want the child, abortions, gynecologic diseases at me nebylo, smears good. Three months we were not protected also anything. I know that during an ovulation of allocation colorless and viscous or viscid as slime. At me such allocation approximately in 3 4 days after have ended monthly (duration of monthly 5 days). Whether it means that I have an ovulation at this time? And whether can my morbid monthly affect or influence conception, whether I can have children? Many thanks.

Irtuganov N.S.
25.07.2004, 09:09
Check rectal temperature 3 cycles