Просмотр полной версии : To my nephew of 12 years. In mediko-the genetic center to him have put diagno...

21.07.2004, 18:59
To my nephew of 12 years. In mediko-the genetic center to him have diagnosed a dysplasia of a connecting tissue (an oxyproline in daily urine almost in 2 times above norm or rate). Besides the secondary immunodeficiency is diagnosed for it or him (all immunoglobulins below norm or rate). The boy constantly is ill or sick with catarrhal diseases, the streptococcal infection of a nasopharynx, a failure of function of a pancreas is found out in it or him persistent tsitomegalovirusnaja and hlamidioznaja infections. Please, consult: whether the dysplasia of a connecting tissue (or to make heavier) a secondary immunodeficiency can cause? If yes how to break off this vicious circle and to get rid of an immunodeficiency? Many thanks!

25.07.2004, 07:18
As a rule children with a mesenchymal failure always asteniki. To help or assist with formation it is possible, playing sports are necessary, navigation t is better. To. There are no shock loads on joints and reception of preparations containing hondroitinsulfat and gljukozaminsulfat. These preparations now great variety beginning or starting from inoltry and finishing or stopping struktuvitom.