
Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The doctor has registered to me: Gentamycin (7 days) orungal (1 day...

24.07.2004, 15:28
The doctor has registered to me:
Gentamycin (7 days)
orungal (1 day)
Membranulas with Tetracyclinum in a vagina
immunal 14 days
Prompt at what diseases reception of these medicines is justified?
They are how much effective?
To me have told or said, that at me a strong inflammation in a uterus, it seems. Two years ago on one ovary there was an inflammation, and on other kistoobraznoe change, but I was treated. Now uzi does not show the expressed problems, but at a palpation of the doctor painfully. What is it means? Not passing or not taking place cystitises without the expressed reason also have now begun, to put on I try warmly. To me only 22 years and soon I am going to in marriage, but I very much am afraid, that all this can lead problems at conception of the child. Also the doctor has mentioned, that at me chronic.... What could it be?
Whether it is possible from it or this up to the extremity or end to recover?
In advance thanks for the answer.

Pasenjuk A.M.
25.07.2004, 04:36
Such scheme or plan is characteristic at chronic inflammatory diseases of a uterus and appendages of a uterus. To recover up to the extremity or end it is possible, it is necessary to keep correctly references of the doctor and you can become pregnant.