Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist, pozhajlujsta, advice or council. In the beginning of June in me have found out a ureaplasma...

24.07.2004, 16:54
Help or Assist, pozhajlujsta, advice or council. In the beginning of June in me have found out a ureaplasma and kandidu. My doctor has appointed or nominated sludujushchie preparations: Trichopolum + the husband, pimafutsin, suppositories and any strong antibiotics (unfortunately I do not remember the name). 2 times it was treated (ijun-August), but result all the same. I in despair. We with the husband planned pregnancy for October. It is possible to become pregnant in that case? This infection will not be passed the husband? Help or assist, pozhajlujsta.

Malanova T.B.
25.07.2004, 00:52
On a background of antibiotics a thrush to cure it is impossible. And the ureaplasma concerns to 0 to flora. If treatment has been spent, to repeat its or his it is necessary. And the thrush should be treated necessarily.