Просмотр полной версии : Kind time of day! At me a delay of 7 days, the test for pregnancy otritsatel...

24.07.2004, 14:26
Kind time of day!
At me a delay of 7 days, the test for pregnancy negative, the US shows 50/50, to the child 1, 5 years, still I lure a breast before a dream and at night when wakes up. Pregnancy at the wrong time, whether prompt it is possible to apply in my case medicinal abortion? For example, to try some days to not nurse (how much???). In advance thanks for the answer. morbus1@yandex. ru

Kuznetsova E.A.
24.07.2004, 20:39
Buy or Purchase qualitative test Clear Blue (England), he practically does not give mistakes or errors. If the test will be positive, medicinal abortion most likely not for you.