Просмотр полной версии : At my mum 3Rh +, at the daddy 2Rh + .a at me 4Rh-. To what it? ...

Maryanna To.
20.07.2004, 21:01
At my mum 3Rh +, at the daddy 2Rh + .a at me 4Rh-.
To what it?
Yours faithfully M.

Talanova E.J.
21.07.2004, 15:37
Dear Maryanna! Parents with the groups of a blood resulted or brought by you can have a child with group of blood AB (IV) Rh-.

Maryanna To.
22.07.2004, 02:38
And what was probability of occurrence
Such group of a blood?
Whether there can be problems c such blood?
Speak, what is it not the best variant, is not that so?
In advance thanks.
Yours faithfully M.

Talanova E.J.
23.07.2004, 08:50
The probability of occurrence of such group of a blood was not small: depending on a genotype of parents (he is not defined or determined by group as those as it is defined or determined by separate antigens), the probability was either 25 %, or 12, 5 %. Problems can concern or touch only negative rezus-the factor (if you will become pregnant rezus-a positive fetus in the subsequent beremennostjah it is possible or probable rezus-the conflict; schemes or plans of conducting pregnancy at rezus-negative mums are now developed: the control of antibodies, preventive measures and t. Item) . As if to group of a blood on system ABO (t. e. In a life 1, 2, 3, 4) there are no " bad and good " groups. Simply all groups have features: for example, carriers or bearers of yours, 4 j groups, are universal recipients (t. e. At transfusion the blood of any other group does not cause or cause negative consequences in the recipient with 4 j group), and here is how time donor qualities of group are minimal (a blood 4 j groups it is possible to pour in ONLY to recipients with 4 j group). At 1 j groups these qualities are opposite.

Maryanna To.
24.07.2004, 18:44
Thanks you big for answers.
Sincerely yours M.