Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At mine spouses such problem: periodically voznika...

21.07.2004, 00:00
Hello the doctor!

At mine spouses such problem: periodically there is very strong pain in a bottom of a stomach or belly. To identify (cutting, pricking or another) she cannot, speaks more strongly than at monthly. The attack lasts minutes 15 25. It is rescueed or saved;salvaged by two tablets no-shpy and applying of an ice. One year ago to her did or made operation on excision of solderings. After that was only 4 attacks. Before operation they arose much more often. As a rule (at least after operation in 100 % of cases) pains came right after the terminations or endings of the sexual certificate or act, before operation happened cases (1 of 4 5) when it occured or happened spontaneously, without obvious causal dependence.
The treating gynecologist (from 14 years under its or his supervision) has not put the exact diagnosis. Uzi any pathologies and deviations or rejections has not revealed. Several years ago there was a cyst, but after operative treatment has disappeared. Age of 25 years. From the moment of the beginning of a sexual life pregnancy did not come never. Now contacts 1 2 times a month. In current of a joint life were treated for illnesses or diseases, except for ureoplazmy, on all rest analyses have given negative result.
Thanks, yours faithfully Oleg.

Malanova T.B.
24.07.2004, 17:58
On mine vzgljad-displays of adherent or adhesive process in a small basin. It is desirable for your wife to spend 1 2 courses of an intensive physiotherapy.