Просмотр полной версии : I can not zaberemenit 2 years. Have passed or have taken place inspections with the husband have found out hlamidi...

20.07.2004, 09:32
I can not zaberemenit 2 years. Have passed or have taken place inspections with the husband have found out a clamidiosis. Chlamydia spp-1 gr the maintenance or contents 83. Explain it at what stage there is an illness or a disease? To us have appointed or nominated lechenie-Tiberal-1* 2 r/day (5n?N.) Tavanik-500* 1/day - 20 days.
Mikosist 150 a unitary dose. Suppositories Viferon-of 3 10 days for the night. Will help or assist?

21.07.2004, 08:36
Tanja, besides infections necessarily survey permeability of pipes, t. To a clamidiosis this inflammation, and any inflammation is solderings. Solderings it reperably method laporoskopii. Success.

Kamenetskij B.A.
21.07.2004, 20:00
Not clearly about what edenitsah measurements there is a speech. It is possible to judge a stage of process on revealing antihlamidijnyh antibodies of classes Ig G, Ig And, Ig M in Serum of a blood method IFA.

24.07.2004, 14:36
I can not zaberemenit 2 years. Have passed or have taken place inspections with the husband have found out a clamidiosis. Chlamydia spp-in 1 gG the maintenance or contents 83. Explain it at what stage there is an illness or a disease? To us have appointed or nominated lechenie-Tiberal-1* 2 r/day (5n?N.) Tavanik-500* 1/day - 20 days. Mikosist 150 a unitary dose. Suppositories Viferon-of 3 10 days for the night. Will help or assist?