Просмотр полной версии : Hello Boris Aleksandrovich! Read your opinions and answers in occasion of carried...

23.07.2004, 08:34
Hello Boris Aleksandrovich! Read your opinions and answers in occasion of nesovmestimomsti and antispermalnyh antibodies, has understood, that you consider or count to do or make in these situations EKO. But the matter is that in our city there is no either the immunologist, or program EKO. There are inseminations which we did or made two unsuccessful times. It would be desirable to receive the answer to some questions. Whether there is a sense to continue inseminations, whether can play a role in the negative postcoital test or dough;father-in-law small quantity or amount of cervical slime, whether there are ways of treatment by means of which it is possible to change aggressive medium of slime? I thank for the answer.

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.07.2004, 13:56
Practice shows, that it is meaningful to spend no more than 3 h attempts of AI.