Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist to understand please! Now was in conference LO...

19.07.2004, 11:53
Hello! Help or assist to understand please! Now was in conference LORa, I am am hurted often with a throat (right now it and disturbs me), I already some times used bioparoksom, and he has told or said, that it or him it is possible for pregnant women only with 5 go month (and at me 6 I week) That to me to do or make I very much was upset, as it can affect or influence health of my kid! But to summaries it is written, that this preparation it is possible to accept pregnant women! And at you in conference he often is mentioned. I ask do not leave without the answer.

22.07.2004, 13:03
Dear Katya, read through a question and the answer of the expert to a question similar to yours
QUESTION: Dear Sergey Aleksandrovich!
I have transferred or carried a flu on term of 20 weeks with rise in temperature up to 39, an acute pharyngalgia and loss of a voice. To destination doctors at whom I consist on the account, accepted Ampioks, bioparoks, Gedeliks. Me the question as it to be reflected in the kid very or very much interests. Constantly I think of it or this. Please, respond as more as possible in detail. Thankful in advance.

The ANSWER: Hello!
Unfortunately, as much as possible detailed answer to a question interesting you within the limits of on-lajnovoj consultations to give for " the technical reasons " it is impossible, therefore we shall try to be limited to " a dry reality " facts. In detail on preparations: ampioks represents a combination equally harmless to an embryos and a fetus beta-laktamnyh antibiotics (Ampicillinum + Oxacillinum) - the specified medicines do not possess neither teratogennym, nor embriofetotoksicheskim action according to numerous experiments on laboratory animals and to clinical observations at people. Concerning bioparoksa (fuzafungin) and gedeliksa (an operating or a working basis - saponiny an ivy) such researches it was not spent yet, rich clinical experience of application of these preparations at pregnant women alas, is not saved up or not collected and kategorirovat these preparations on a degree of real danger to a fetus it is represented a challenge. Unconditional plus considers a duration of gestation (20 ned.), After which achievement the embryos, and then and a fetus already passed the majority significant teratogennyh terminatsionnyh the periods - that is the moments of the maximal vulnerability by way of formation of congenital developmental anomalies so in the certain degree to doubt it is possible only concerning probable (?) fetotoksicheskogo actions gedeliksa and bioparoksa. And last by virtue of local application for certain has small probability of penetration into a systemic blood flow, and, accordingly, to a fetus. At once I shall make a reservation, that the answer to your question represents only a fragment mediko-the genetic conclusion, devoted to an estimation teratologicheskogo the anamnesis. That " for the staff " there were no other important components of estimated or appreciated total or cooperative risk (the genealogical, obstetric anamnesis, etc.), in turn recommend you to address and to not virtual genetics.
As you understand pregnancy on your term is more "uezvimoj", therefore any it is necessary to refuse further use bioparoksa. Try to apply only national agents: a gargle, inhalations. It is high-grade eat, accept Polyvitaminums and necessarily give itself a spirit on "to not hurt or not be ill;not be sick", now to you and
It is very necessary for your kid. Success.

24.07.2004, 12:57
bioparoks it is appointed or nominated from the beginning of pregnancy. He is safe. Doctors spoke me...