Просмотр полной версии : One year ago (in August 2003.) operation end has been spent laporoskopicheskaja...

24.07.2004, 04:23
One year ago (in August 2003.) operation an endometriosis tazovoj peritoneums (without a degree) has been spent laporoskopicheskaja. After operation 3 months accepted nemestran (till January 2004.). Then there was a break, in May 2004. Began to accept Djufaston. The doctor diagnoses sklerokitoz ovaries.
Whether there is a necessity to do or make povtornyju operation?
Is Djufaston contraceptive?
Whether it is possible or probable at the given diagnosis and lichenii pregnancy?

24.07.2004, 09:42
I can tell or say only about Djufaston - he Not CONTRACEPTIVE, and even on the contrary: he represents analogue of Progesteronum - a female sexual hormone. If who has not enough of, it or him also accept. From it or him the sexual inclination amplifies, and other functions of female organs - maturing of ootids, ability of a uterus them to implant, and to support or maintain development of pregnancy.