Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To me 24 years, married 3, 5 years. Two weeks ago I with...

20.07.2004, 03:09
Hello the doctor! To me 24 years, married 3, 5 years. Two weeks ago I have visited or attended the gynecologist - he has noted plentiful allocation and has registered week course of treatment: suppositories Clotrimazolum, the Doxycycline and Trichopolum. Has made US (on 15 day of a cycle): the diagnosis - an endocervicitis (excuse if it is not correct). You could not explain what is it such. I wished to visit or attend once again the gynecologist, whether that will enough learn or enough find out treatments which he has registered to me before. But the doctor on the sick-list. I have spent on drink medicines week, in the extremity or end of allocation of steel of pinkish color and on all face have acted fine pryshchiki, till now do not pass or take place. There can be it from medicines? The bottom of a stomach or belly, such sensation hurts, that the bubble there was inflated and he vot-here will burst. Educate please!

Malanova T.B.
23.07.2004, 14:08
1. On US it is impossible to diagnose tservitsit so calm down. 2. At you, most likely, allergic reaction to spent antibacterial treatment, it is necessary to use antihistaminics. 3. Hurt, most likely, also are caused by reaction of an intestine to antibiotics - to you are necessary eubiotiki (preparations with lakto-and bifidobakterijami) and kislo-a milk or dairy diet.