Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! My young man often raises or excites me an arm or a hand, pome...

23.07.2004, 09:10
Hello, the doctor! My young man often raises or excites me an arm or a hand, places a finger in a vagina. Recently he has told, that thus feels - he speaks, that there inside on a back wall of a vagina there is something soft (any " soft bugorok " which can " be bypassed both from below and from above ") which he irons (he has asked, that I thus feel, I have told or said, that anything - really is not felt any neither pleasant, nor bad sensations, I at all do not feel, that he moves a finger). He has asked, what is this "bugorok". And I do not know. The doctor, it can be normal, or this any disease? What is it such? And more one question - a vagina opens in a uterus, whether it is possible to get through a vagina a finger in a uterus an ooze is not present (or passage very narrow)? Thanks for the answer.

23.07.2004, 11:39
It is physiologically normal. It shejka uteruses - an input or entrance through it or her in a uterus. When there come labors, shejka opens. And so - to get a finger inside - is not present.