Просмотр полной версии : I plan pregnancy and I wish to inoculate against a rubella, tell or say, has shaken...

22.07.2004, 01:00
I plan pregnancy and I wish to inoculate against a rubella, tell or say, please, through what time I will have an immunity to this illness or disease and how it is fast after I shall put an inoculation, I can try zaberemennet?

The anonym
22.07.2004, 05:22
3 months after an inoculation are impossible beremennet in no event.

23.07.2004, 09:33
Hello rolling! To me too have inoculated 4.5 months ago, prenesla it is good (RUDIVAKS). But doctors in female consultation urgently recommend to be protected the MINIMUM the FLOOR of YEAR!!!!!!