Просмотр полной версии : About pregnancy at the wheel 18 apr. Already was, but I want also with you to consult...

15.07.2004, 23:13
About pregnancy at the wheel 18 apr. Already was, but I want also with you to consult, dear or expensive women. I live in staffs or states, without the machine or car anywhere. Here also I sit at home all time. The husband speaks: study to drive, and I am afraid. On parkings gradually I drive or carry, has got used and so where to go - it seems to pavor naterpljus yes naperezhivajus. Can, it I from uncertainty. Will pass or take place time and more easy to it or this I shall concern. For now - I am afraid to leave on road. Pregnancy of 24 weeks. Whether it is necessary to study or wait further?

17.07.2004, 09:23
JUlja, it is necessary for you to start to study as soon as possible. Otherwise in a house imprisonment it will appear not only you, but also your child. Sejcha while he was not born, you have an opportunity it or this to borrow or occupy, then will be where more difficultly. Tatyana, Cincinnati, Ohio

18.07.2004, 00:12
Liza, I live in Texas, Dallas, open spaces immense. Up to shop on foot you do not descend or you go, if near to it or him you do not live...

18.07.2004, 22:25
And it seems to me, that it is necessary to wait a little, now it is not a high time to study to drive, especially, if there is a pavor. At me most - the rights, earlier activly went, and now during pregnancy the same I am nervous at the wheel, I go very seldom. I live in Virginia, the USA.

20.07.2004, 10:31
Thanks, girls!

20.07.2004, 22:56
Liza, on courses I did not go, I do not know, whether we shall go. Many speak, what is it waste of time and money. My friend from Germany on courses did not go, and the information was taken from the literature and i-by not that, the main thing - will morally be prepared also the nobility that happens. To listen to the doctor on sorts or labors.

22.07.2004, 06:59
www. pregnancy. h1. ru
www. mama. ru
There both about newborns and about pregnancy, about sorts or labors is.

22.07.2004, 23:44
To drive the machine or car firstly it is really terrible, especially on high-speed roads. It seems to me, that it is possible to drive on the sly, but to try to not leave there, where the big traffic. Though if the big city, as Nju York, there all time the bad traffic and accordingly a heap of stresses..