Просмотр полной версии : To all greetings, little girls, prompt. At me the first pregnancy, 4 months...

16.07.2004, 08:23
To all greetings, little girls, prompt.
At me the first pregnancy, 4 months, like psychosises and toxicoses have already passed or have already taken place all, and hatred and disgust for the husband (we recently have got married) in any way. It temporarily or it is necessary to be upset?

17.07.2004, 23:18
Temporarily, at me 24 weeks of pregnancy, I with the husband have started to sleep only about one and a half weeks ago, before I could not transfer or carry it or him on spirit at all, me toshnilo from its or his one smell, let alone joint residing at one room, and all my friends had the same so do not experience, this normal phenomenon, at me psychosises toxicoses have passed or have taken place still in 13 - 14 weeks, and disgust for the husband remains till 22 weeks.

The anonym
21.07.2004, 14:08
Yes, the husband it is a pity... At us such was not, he to me and sweet cherries bought cherries, on road from job, flowers gave. But the psychosis at me was, and has then begun and at it or him. Then I have understood, that the daddy tozhe-pregnant. And it or he should be understood and regretted. He/she is its or his child grows and will soon be born. And so, we live amicably. 38 I week at us.

22.07.2004, 20:19
Vuh, you have helped or assisted me. Has married, at once has become pregnant. The toxicosis comes to an end, and here to the husband... I have already started to think, that I do not like it or him. Sleep with it or him I can not, its or his spirits irritate (yes basically any spirits irritate), I leave from a room, I sleep separately. Already itself was frightened. The gynecologist has advised valerian drops to have a drink. Here so.
I wish good luck.