Просмотр полной версии : I accept " Tri-regol " here 6 years. There are no complaints, side effects...

21.07.2004, 21:44
I accept " Tri-regol " here 6 years. There are no complaints, side effects. Application of data OK was appointed or nominated by the doctor, including for stabilization of a monthly cycle.
But now I have faced a problem: in drugstores of our city " Tri-regol " sharply was gone from counters, speak it or him have removed or have taken off from manufacture. I have already passed or missed the second day of acceptance " Tri-regola ". New OK to buy I do not want, and I do not know what, to refuse tablets too it would not be desirable. What can you advise, and explain, why (whether also the truth?) " Tri-regol " it is removed or is taken off from manufacture.

Soboleva L.I.
22.07.2004, 20:02
Hello! Really, Tri-regol gradually disappears from drugstores. For which reason he is not made any more is exact, unfortunately, I can not tell or say. It will be better, if you will consult to the doctor: if he will not advise to replace a contraceptive on monophasic it will be possible to use Trikvilar or Triziston - at them similar with Tri-regolom structure.