Просмотр полной версии : Hello Tatyana Borisovna! Nakonets-that has borrowed or occupied in the erosion shejki mA...

20.07.2004, 14:24
Hello Tatyana Borisovna! Nakonets-that has borrowed or occupied in the erosion shejki uteruses. Up to sorts or labors to me recommended to refrain from it or this, and now has just passed or has just taken place year after a birth of my first child. Erosion huge, razroslas on all shejku uteruses. In the middle m/at cycles I feel a certain dyscomfort in a vagina (burning sensation). The smear has shown, that at me leucocytes above norm or rate. Has handed over 4 analyses: 1. bakposev on otd. Wives. A floor. Organs; 2. bakposev on a ureaplasma (there was a mycoplasma, has successfully recovered), 3. A blood on a chlamydia (it was treated longly, last analyses up to pregnancy and earlier have given negative result); 4. PTSR on PVI. As a result all analyses have appeared good, except for PTSR. The virus papilomy is found out. Have registered to me series of not cheap preparations: Valtreks 500 mg, Immunomaks 200 ED, oksigrissant 200 and Epigen a spray (instead of syringing). The doctor was very much neuveren that these preparations will help or assist to lower kol. In leucocytes that it is borrowed or occupied by treatment of erosion. Besides he has been surprised and puzzled, that except for PTSR nothing is revealed, and kol. Leucocytes more than should be. Has told or said, that for the first time collides or faces with such situation. Voobshchem I in a bewilderment. I wish to clear a situation and to understand, whether est-sense in treatment by these preparations if the virus papilomy in general is incurable (words of the doctor). Very much I hope for your help and explanations. In advance I thank.

Malanova T.B.
22.07.2004, 16:38
1. If at you such greater or big erosion the level of leucocytes never will be normal. 2. And what results of crop? 3. Treatment VPCH should be spent necessarily. 4. Erosion should be cauterized.