Просмотр полной версии : Whether prompt, please, can one of the reasons nenastuplenija beremennos...

14.07.2004, 19:09
Whether prompt, please, can one of the reasons
nenastuplenija pregnancy disability
The impregnated ootid to cling to a uterus. If
a as it it is possible to find out and solve this problem?

Rabaev S.G.
18.07.2004, 00:00
Such situation is possible or probable at diseases connected with a pathology of a cavity of the uterus, endometrija
(The submucous myomatous site, a polyp endometrija, inflammatory processes, etc.) the Decision of the given problem javl. Diagnostics and treatment of a concrete pathology.

21.07.2004, 18:35
I try to become pregnant from the middle of September while results are not present before there were 2 abortions of pregnancy came without problems. On 22 d. ts. Has fallen to an ice (skated) on a stomach or belly, in day the stomach or belly strongly was ill in day has made the test he has shown 2 strips, I already was delighted but next day and the subsequent already one strip, all attributes coming nearer monthly. Whether tell or say could provoke falling that that implantation has not occured or happened or it is necessary to look endometry or the defective or incomplete ootid was (uzi in the summer it's OK, after the second abortion of cleaning not bylo-all has left itself). And whether pregnancy in a following cycle is possible or probable?