Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! Your advice or council, t is necessary to me. To. From anybody anything intelligible uslysha...

Anja, 27 years
21.07.2004, 06:30
The doctor! Your advice or council, t is necessary to me. To. From anybody anything intelligible I can not hear. At me the first pregnancy and thus with 8 j weeks are established or installed anti-hg (that M and G polozh, M-slabopolozh.). Now 22 I week (polozh.) . I feel well. On surveys and on uzi all in norm or rate, a tonus normal. But in connection with anti-hg I drink Dexamethazonum (up to 20 j weeks a saw djufaston). Still on gemostaziogramme, the moderate hypercoagulation, giperfebrinogenemija. I drink Curantylum and Aspirinum. At me such question: iz-for what at me anti-hg (before the pregnant woman was not, preparations with hg did not accept). With the husband a blood of one group and + a rhesus. My doctor (NTSAGiP) speaks to not worry, but nevertheless I have read through that anti-hg influences on vynashivaemost and can speak about threat. I very much am afraid for the child, t. To. He very desired. So what regimen to me needs to be kept: bed or to conduct a usual way of life what it is possible to make to bear or take out pregnancy (if not anti-hg I would be absolutely quiet)? Whether It is possible as that to influence on this parameter or nothing depends on me? In advance many thanks.

Malanova T.B.
21.07.2004, 17:09
At you now all is compensated, so can conduct a usual way of life.