Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me it is precise in the middle of a cycle smearing allocation, happens hardly...

20.07.2004, 18:27
Hello! At me it is precise in the middle of a cycle smearing allocation, happens hardly brownish happen reddish, they as a rule very insignificant and last one day. I have visited or attended several doctors and to me have told or said that so there passes or there takes place an ovulation, and has made uzi, but uzi any changes has not shown. It already lasts some years. One of doctors obsnil it so, that when occurs or happens break folikula such can poishodit. Pains thus any I do not test. Your opinion. Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
21.07.2004, 12:36
It can be attributes of a chronic endometritis.