Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt, please. Handed over the analysis on sensitivity to antibi...

20.07.2004, 20:02
The doctor, prompt, please. Handed over the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics, have revealed St feccalis, has passed or has taken place treatment (ampitsilin and polizhinaks suppositories), has made the analysis repeatedly - have found out St Agalctia - again treatment (amoksitsillin and suppositories atsilakt), in couple of months the analysis has repeated - again St Feccalis!!! I in a shock! Hygiene I keep, proctal or anal sex I do not practise... It can be caused or called by underwear - "stringi"? Also what will advise to accept this time? The analysis has shown sensitivity to Oxacillinum, p () erazonu (illegibly), to ciprofloxacin and tseftriaksonu. It is steady against gentamycin and a doxycycline. At me errozija shejki to a uterus which the doctor does not treat (I did not give birth or travail, me 26). Whether it can cause? Thanks big for the answer!

Malanova T.B.
21.07.2004, 04:15
The kind of a staphilococcus revealed at you is a variant of a normal microflora of a vagina. It is not necessary to exterminate it or him so persistently.