Просмотр полной версии : I am am disturbed strongly with a toxicosis. Pregnancy - 5 weeks. 28.05. 2004....

16.07.2004, 08:08
I am am disturbed strongly with a toxicosis. Pregnancy - 5 weeks. 28.05. 2004.

The anonym
19.07.2004, 05:40
Have patience nablizhajshie 7 weeks, it will be then easier; and if will carry that and earlier. At me has ended on 8 oh to week. Universal advice or councils: drink vitaminyj a complex registered by the doctor, avoid all (as far as possible) that causes attacks of a nausea, eat more vegetables (in salads for example), fruit, drink juices, walk far away from roads and machines or cars, do not use parfjumirovannoj cosmetics (the blessing now can be got cosmetics " without a smell "). Necessarily consult to the doctor, if necessary to you will appoint or nominate procedures supporting or maintaining your organism. Also think that all is fast it will terminate, and there will be your wonderful kid. Success.

19.07.2004, 15:29
If the vomiting is more, than once a day, address to the doctor, you will put in hospital and or prokapajut, or simply askorbinku intravenously will enter (how much strong vomiting) depends on that. Do not forget what to eat first time it is necessary not rising with bed (if there is nobody to submit, prepare since evening for a sandwich and tea in a thermos) after that minutes 20 40 it is necessary to lie down. Eat - malu, often, too it is desirable laying, or polusidja. I in general month under a dropper laid, 17-I, week, and a toxicosis does not pass or take place, but already gives in kontrolju-the main thing to eat in time and correctly. Usually speaking if the strong toxicosis, means both the kid strong, and pregnancy with taksikozom proceeds vtselom better, than without it or him. So it is offered to us, but such detki the most desired and the most liked. - talk to the kid more, he chuvstvue everything, that you think, it distracts and causes excellent or different mood. And more - there is more than humour. All kogda-nibudb passes or takes place, and for the sake of the child it is possible to bear anything you like.

20.07.2004, 11:38
And at me gde-that till 17 18 weeks was, has grown thin for 10 kg, and any systems on helped or assisted... Obchno it is pancreatic and a liver do not consult. Helped or assisted Hofitol courses (he from an extract of an artichoke), Essentiale a little, - try a few or a little;little bit liver to clean - a comment 1, 5 kg of a root of a parsley clear and weld or cook, for 3 days to eat, it is desirable to try from meal only a few or a little;little bit honey. To me has helped or assisted, the nausea became not to a constant, but only attacks. Success.