Просмотр полной версии : Consult how better to cure a thrush, please. The doctor has written out d...

18.07.2004, 13:21
Consult how better to cure a thrush, please. The doctor has written out dear or expensive enough treatment - more expensively 2000 roubles it turns out: mikosist + atsilakt + atsidofilus bifiform. Whether there is cheaper, but an effective variant?, if crop has shown yeast-like mushrooms and sensitivity to a set of antimicotic preparations: the table preparat/norm or rate of a zone moderated or moderate ustrojchivosti in mm/my result of a growth inhibition in mm/the conclusion about sensitivity. Here the table: " nistatin/18/21 (my result) / feelings. Amphotericinum V/14/11 (my result) / yes, klotrimazol/12/20 (my result) / feelings. " What is it means - that it is necessary to treat Nistatinum and Clotrimazolum, and Amphotericinum is not present? Or on the contrary? Many thanks.

Malanova T.B.
20.07.2004, 10:40
It is possible to use both Nistatinum and Clotrimazolum, treatment will not cost more than 500 roubles.