Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 21. One of these days to me have put diagnoz-gipogonadotropnaja...

19.07.2004, 14:37
To me 21.
One of these days to me have put diagnoz-gipogonadotropnaja an amenorrhea 2.
Up to 8 months ago all was in the full order - any deviations or rejections and any complaints. The sexual life at me while is absent. But then I had an operation on excision vrosshego a fingernail is for me ylo very much a greater or big shock. Then at me have stopped monthly. First to me have appointed or nominated a vitamin therapy, but she has not helped or assisted. Then I prinemala Marselon and at reception Marselona all vostanovilos. But then I have ceased to accept it or him and vme have again stopped.
At last inspection on uzi disturbances have not found, the analysis of a blood of deviations or rejections has not revealed, except for two hormones, which otvesajut for education folikul. Their quantity or amount is not enough.
I would like to learn or find out - how much or as far as it seriously and what ways lesenija exist?
And more to me have recommended to make a computer tomography of a pituitary body is it is necessary?
Many thanks

Irtuganov N.S.
20.07.2004, 07:45
Gloomily, Alina! Cyclic hormonal therapy under observation endokrinologa-the gynecologist Is necessary. A computer tomography, konechon, it is possible to make, but I do not think, what is it seriously something will change in diagnosti ke and tactics of treatment. If you in Moscow also wish to get to me on internal consultation, inform me mail the phone, I shall necessarily call back to you and we shall agree about time of consultation. D-r23@yandex. ru