Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, whether dose Djufastona not 20, but 10 mg in den can make...

19.07.2004, 12:01
Tell or Say please, whether dose Djufastona not 20, but 10 mg a day can make? After cancelling Diane-35 has passed on Djufaston (at me an endometriosis). Under the reference of the doctor - with 14 for 25 day of a cycle. But on a habit a saw on one tablet in day. Just now (later 3 months) has noticed, that in the instruction to a preparation - always on 2 tab. In day. Now to the doctor to go there is no time. Respond please!

Pasenjuk A.M.
20.07.2004, 07:05
Yes, the dose can make 1 tablet and sometimes 1/2 tablets, all depends on an expression of process and probably your doctor has registered to you one tablet.