Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. I married. Within last seven years accepted pr...

17.07.2004, 19:54
Hello, the doctor. I married. Within last seven years accepted contraceptive "Anteovin", but iz-for constant excruciatings with a thrush has decided to stop reception. The first month I do not accept this preparation. Monthly have not begun during. Here a week as should begin, but all is not present. Tell or say, it is necessary for me worries in this occasion, or the cycle will be adjusted in due course? I need to start to accept any medicine what to stimulate the beginning monthly?

Question number or room 2. I would not like again to start to accept contraceptive, the thrush has very much bothered. Except for a condom, what else there are agents of preservation which would not cause or call a thrush and were very reliable? (if those, certainly, exist).

Thankful in advance for the answer,

Malanova T.B.
20.07.2004, 05:56
1. On reception it is necessary to go necessarily as you too longly accepted OK. 2. Barrier methods (vulval or vaginal suppositories), Naval Forces.