Просмотр полной версии : Skazite pozalyista, chto takoe zistit beremennosti? Opasno li eto dla bere...

14.07.2004, 15:04
Skazite pozalyista, chto takoe zistit beremennosti? Opasno li eto dla beremennosti? Chto yavlaetsa prichinoi? Kak on lechitsa?

15.07.2004, 03:19
This inflammation of a bladder, is caused or called by penetration there bacteria more often. There is it at pregnant women often. As iz-for changes hormonal a background normal outflow is broken wet and there is its or her stagnation that promotes duplication of any rubbish. Treat it antibiotics. But it is better to not lead up before. To drink and eat more acidic (a cowberry, a cranberry)

16.07.2004, 11:04
Yula, spasibo ogromnoe - ya vpala v takyu paniky! Morsi iz klukvi - za eto ya vozmys seichas ze. A kol-vo ogranichivat? V smisle, klukva ne mozet vizvat otrizatelnih reakzii?

20.07.2004, 03:00
I ate a cranberry how much could, like without consequences. However, at me the pyelonephritis was, this same, but with kidneys. And you are assured, what a cystitis at you, instead of something or something else? If a problem in duplication of bacteria in urine she happens to a pungent smell. Better, certainly, the analysis wet to hand over, for confidence, But the cranberry in any case will not damage or injure;hurt. To its or her all pregnant women advise.