Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, whether the bend of a uterus can affect or influence conception? That on sa...

19.07.2004, 11:32
Tell or Say please, whether the bend of a uterus can affect or influence conception? What pregnancy is not influenced by me I know, and whether it here can prevent to become pregnant? He at me small. But suddenly still any inflammation will begin also I cannot become pregnant... Many thanks for the answer.

20.07.2004, 01:54
Katjush, at me too a small bend. For successful conception at a bend it is recommended to turn over after the sexual certificate or act on a stomach or belly and to lie down some time (it that I know personally). And my doctor (I do not think yet of pregnancy) in occasion of my bend it is quiet - " all will be by way of " - speaks:))) So still I can advise - talk to the doctor - from the out-patient department. According to at the majority of women is small (and sometimes and decent) bends of a uterus. But in fact give birth or travail! Do not experience!