Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I wish to address to you with a following question. After sorts or labors at me...

19.07.2004, 05:49
Hello. I wish to address to you with a following question. After sorts or labors I did not have a menses of 10 months, then I have started to drink CHarozettu. It is the first packing, before OK did not accept never. The menses was longer for 2 days, and then in 2 weeks has begun again. I cannot understand, that it - on intermenstrual allocation is not so similar. They at me were up to pregnancy, but their quantity or amount was absolutely small. And here 7 days already proceed, the quantity or amount vydeleny is plentiful also has a little decreased. If it mezhmenstr. vyd., that, at me two times a month will be so on a week and more? Or it is postnatal or puerperal failures of a cycle. How much so can proceed? Can to me of a tablet do not approach or suit.
And more wished to ask, whether are normal mezhmenstrjuvyd., if you do not accept a tablet? Thanks. Izvenite for a pun.

Soboleva L.I.
19.07.2004, 22:19
Hello, Tanja! These are really intermenstrual the allocation, caused or called by reception of tablets. Quite probably, that in 2 3 months they will not disturb you. However, similar bleedings at reception mini-pilej happen enough often. If after 3 months all of them will proceed still - I think, it it will be better to replace a contraceptive. If there are no contraindications it is possible to accept combined (estrogen-gestagennye).
If you do not accept a tablet, and a menses negeruljarny is an attribute of dysfunction of ovaries.