Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To me have diagnosed VPCH, whether he can kak-that povlija...

14.07.2004, 09:05
Hello, the doctor! To me have diagnosed VPCH, whether he can kak-to affect or influence that patrimonial function? Whether and nuzhno-to the husband zdat analyses on this virus? Thanks

Gorodetskaja M.D.
16.07.2004, 07:40
What do you mean under patrimonial function? To the husband to hand over it is not necessary.

16.07.2004, 15:26
I wished to learn or find out, whether sereznye-consequences from this disease, whether mozhet-it to entail sterility or barrenness?

Gorodetskaja M.D.
19.07.2004, 22:16
No. VPCH does not lead besvlodiju. He is dangerous at erosion shejki uteruses and in association with other viruses at pregnancy.