Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether tell or say, please, can at parents with positive...

17.07.2004, 18:22
The dear doctor! Whether tell or say, please, can at parents with a positive rhesus be born the child with a negative rhesus and on what it depends?

Talanova E.J.
19.07.2004, 06:18
Dear NICKOLAI! Yes, can. The markers defining or determining rezus-the factor, are combined independently and casually. The attribute " positive rezus-the factor " thus dominates over an attribute " negative rezus-the factor ". Therefore in advance authentically to define or determine, whether the birth of the child with a negative rhesus at parents with a positive rhesus is possible or probable, it is impossible, and here in a situation "on the contrary" - all children rezus-negative parents will be rezus-negative.