Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! My daughter within 8 years of marriage or spoilage could not become pregnant. They...

18.07.2004, 10:53
The dear doctor! My daughter within 8 years of marriage or spoilage could not become pregnant. They with the husband have bypassed all clinics and all doctors Sankt-of Petersburg. Each following doctor denied the previous diagnosis, put the new diagnosis, appointed or nominated new treatment which did not give result. They have spent 8 years, I any more do not speak about that, how much have been spent money. At last, to her have diagnosed: a fibroma of a uterus and in September, 2000 in Mechnikovskoj to hospital have made laporoskopicheskuju operation. Now at all of you by way of, can reach or achieve success, have told or said it or him.
8 years they were not protected also doctors have not warned what to become pregnant right after operations it is impossible. The daughter at once has become pregnant also everyone were happy. She constantly was under the medical control. The gynecologist leading it or her has warned it or her what to give birth or travail to her it is impossible, at its or her age (35 years) the cesarean section will be necessary. At night on March, 20th to her it became bad at night. The son-in-law has caused or called "First aid" which has arrived through 40 minutes and it or her have brought to a delivery room. At it or her amotio or detachment plantsenty and a bleeding has begun. She begged, that to her have made cesarean section to rescue or save 6 monthly children, t. To. She could not most give birth or travail. Doctors have told or said: " You at us will give birth ". She has given birth to dead 6 monthly boys in weight of 1 kg. The bleeding proceeded. The surgeon has opened an abdominal cavity, has seen, that the uterus has missed on a fresh postoperative seam and as he said (later the son-in-law spoke with it or him) has sewn up a uterus. The bleeding has stopped, but the daughter has lost besides the child 2, 5 l bloods and was not lost nearly. In an extract from a case history which the son-in-law has received on arms or hand, taking away the daughter from hospital, it has been specified, that the resection of a uterus is made. The second extract to them to a distance for female consultation, there it has been specified: ablation of a uterus.
The daughter till now stays in a shock, the surgeon has told or said what to give birth or travail to her in no event it is impossible, but they continue to want the child.
Some questions: really the fibroma of a uterus so is difficultly diagnosed;
Whether doctors have been obliged to tell or say after operation, that they should wait a little with pregnancy;
Why she could not make cesarean section to rescue or save the child;
Why it is separated two extracts from a case history and whether it is admissible.
When the son-in-law has started to show the claims in hospital, to him have told or said: " Tell or Say thanks that have rescueed or saved to her a life. "
Whether but was possible or probable to avoid so tragical situation? As the daughter some times laid on conservation in a delivery room and before tragedy literally for some days has discharged from hospital where the son-in-law has put it or her for exception of complications just in case, t. To. She in the beginning of March has begun a little kashchljat.
What will you advise in the given situation? I Hope for your objectivity and in advance many thanks.

Rabaev S.G.
19.07.2004, 06:11
Considering complexity and tragedy of the given case, we do not find ethic to do or make what or conclusions on-lajn. It is necessarily necessary to understand the given situation with attraction of the third independent party or side for detailed studying a situation in view of the analysis of medical documents. As a rule representatives of Committee of Public health services understand the given questions by your inquiry addressed to chairman of committee. After reception of the answer from KomZdrava you can make a decision on necessity of the further actions.