Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Prompt, what occurs or happens? At me the last mesjats-an one and a half n...

17.07.2004, 08:58
Good afternoon!
Prompt, what occurs or happens? At me the last mesjats-an one and a half have begun "inflow" (I know, what is it such, me pricked course Zoladeksa). This summer to me the cycle absolutely in norm or rate is executed 30, I feel fine.
Thankful in advance

Malanova T.B.
18.07.2004, 12:09
And the pathology of a thyroid gland at you is not present???

19.07.2004, 02:21
It was surveyed about one year back, nothing was. Prompt. And pregnancy cannot be? At me sips a bottom of a stomach or belly a little