Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At mum (46 years) iz-for bleedings in a hospital was pr...

18.07.2004, 15:57
The dear doctor! At mum (46 years) iz-for bleedings in a hospital the separate diagnostic currettage of a cavity of the uterus and the cervical channel has been spent. Results of research - a biopsy - a blood and layers of a laminated or multilayer epithelium with a keratinization of an external layer, layers without a subject structures or frames. nekroftizirovannyj zhelezisto-a fibrous polyp endometrija and zhelezisto-a cystic hyperplasia endometrija (the diffusive or diffuse active form). Other results - US of a small basin: 17.07: a uterus 605254, a myometrium non-uniform, m an echo 10 raised or increased ehogennosti, pr. An ovary 2517 with gipoehogennymi includings or incorporations, a lion. An ovary 2713, cysts endotserviksa. Group of a blood And (II) Rh +.
Nv 140, ages 4.7 l - 5.4 p - 2. S-58. L - 35 m - 5 ESR of 3 mm in ch, in a smear leptrtriks l up to 30 in p/zr, flora kokovaja. The diagnosis - the Adenomyosis menometraoragija. After an extract results of a biopsy were otdanny on repeated research with result - " Among formulated or uniform elements of a blood fragments of a laminated or multilayer flat epithelium of a usual histological structure are defined or determined. On a background zhelizisto-a cystic hyperplasia endometrija (a based form) fragments angiomatous zhelezisto-a fibrous polyp of basal type are found out. A similar histological picture
Can be characteristic for long influence on endometry a low level estrogennyh garmonov " - diagonoz - Atipicheskaja a hyperplasia endometrija.

pol-year back also it has been carried out research - a biopsy - a glandular polyp endometrija with the expressed angiomatosis. Treatments till the present or true moment it was not spent.

Whether really on the basis of results of research it is possible to diagnose " Atipicheskaja a hyperplasia endometrija "? If yes, what form this atipicheskaja a hyperplasia (moderated or moderate, weak, expressed)? What treatment can be?


Savchenko A.A.
18.07.2004, 23:18
The degree of gravity atipicheskoj hyperplasias endometrija is defined or determined by the morphologist. Treatment depends on a degree of gravity. At serious operation is shown.