Просмотр полной версии : poogite pojailusta. bil kontakt no narujnii. chlen on v menya ne vvel, t...

16.07.2004, 02:58
poogite pojailusta.
bil kontakt no narujnii. chlen on v menya ne vvel, t. e na narujnix polovix gubax. proizoshlo eto 16 marta. 4 aprelya u menya bila menstruaciya a v mae net uje kak 20 dnei. kupila 2 testa na beremennost, otricatelnii.
mogu li bit beremennoi. ochen bous!!! mogli li spermatozoidi proiti dlinii putot narujnix polovix gub k matke??

The anonym
17.07.2004, 10:37
hahhaha well whence such illiteracy! After contact you already had a menses, means fertilizations was not. The delay can be for the different reasons: stress, a diet, change of a climate, crossings or moving, gorm. Disturbances. Visit or attend the doctor.

18.07.2004, 05:05
The answer for HAHHAHA. To your data, the menses can be on early durations of gestation. The phenomenon not such rare. Though, more often, at the girl all should be normal. But is better to the doctor to address. Or US to make. Now for this purpose and the direction is not obligatory.

18.07.2004, 22:47
Most likely is not present. The minimal probability. Especially, if in April were standard monthly, t. To. At pregnancy it is called as a bleeding and has some other character (more poor or scantier, with brownish " botched work). It is better to make uzi in any clinic to calm the nerves.