Просмотр полной версии : Hello Elena Borisovna. My friend 62 years. First at it or her pojavili...

17.07.2004, 11:40
Hello Elena Borisovna.
My friend 62 years. First at it or her have appeared a girdle pain, then began to give to a leg or foot. Now at hotbe the pain is given to an inguen. To go and sit to her it is very serious. Put obezbalivajushchie, she speaks, that began to sleep more easy. To her did or made a x-ray film of a backbone and a tomography of a backbone. Have told or said there is a small shift of disks and have advised proiti complex US of internal organs. US has shown a chronic pyelonephritis, pankreotit. Have made a picture of lungs, have found kokie--that changes, speak it is necessary to hand over a sputum. Treatments as do not appoint or nominate those. Lately she has very strongly grown thin. Advise what to do or make please?

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.07.2004, 22:15
Natalia, ask the question to the therapist and the oncologist + necessarily reduce the friend on survey to the gynecologist - under complaints it is impossible to exclude risk of a tumour of female genitals.