Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna! At me pregnancy 37, 5 weeks and already 3 ju not...

13.07.2004, 01:55
Dear Tatyana Borisovna! At me pregnancy 37, 5 weeks and already 3 ju week the raised or increased arterial pressure (145/93). Fiber in urine is not present. My doctor wished to stimulate labors on 37 j to week, but has decided to wait up to 38 j, as the organism (shejka uteruses) to sorts or labors still is not ready and more chances that pridyotsja to do or make cesarean section that esstestvenno is not desirable. At me the question, whether is any way to prepare shejku uteruses to sorts or labors. The friend has recommended tea from leaves of a red raspberry. What would you advise? Thanks in advance.

Malanova T.B.
15.07.2004, 23:01
Considering rising of a BP, it is desirable for you to be hospitalized in unit of a pathology of pregnancy where also a toxicosis will treat, and for sorts or labors will prepare. And why most to not give birth??? At home of any preparation for sorts or labors independently provolit it is impossible. It is dangerous to a life.

18.07.2004, 16:18
Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I live not in Russia and here hospitalization is impossible. To have to sit at home and to try nothing to do or make. On medium to the doctor. The doctor does not want, that I and further went with the raised or increased pressure. So will stimulate probably labors on Thursday.