Просмотр полной версии : I wrote to you some questions and have received answers and references. But now...

03.07.2004, 17:06
I wrote to you some questions and have received answers and references. But now to me have made a diagnostic currettage of a uterus and have carried out histological research. It is as a result written, that the pyometra is found out. Malignant body height is not present. What is it means. It is an endometritis or an endometriosis? And if it is possible napishe than it to treat. The doctor has written out metrid on 100 intravenously driply 10 procedures and simultaneously Calcium chloratum and vit 1, 6 in day intramusculary. Whether Enough this treatment? Can eat still what that ways to cure this illness or disease? Can eat in addition methods of national medicine?
If that is in addition please respond.
With gratitude and respect for you. Bell
I send the previous correspondence.
Bell on June, 26th 2004 17 : 45 : 24
To me 60. To me have made 4 years ago operation in occasion of a cancer of a breast 2 items At once at me have stopped iesjachnye and 4 years were nothing. I constantly go on checks to genikologu. Here on May, 26th went, took a smear and have told or said, that except for yeast funguses anything is not present, a uterus in norm or rate. Have advised posprintsevatsja a soda solution, and potompostavit nistatinovye suppositories. All it to spend 10. JAprovela this course. But here 2 days as have begun what that dark allocation. I drink Tamoxifenum. There can be it from a medicine or you consider or count, what it is necessary to go again to genikologu to the oncologist?

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onkohelp@yandex. ru on June, 29th 2004 20 : 31 : 57
One of complications at reception of Tamoxifenum is so-called gormononavedyonnyj a cancer endometrija, therefore at presence krovjanistyh vydeleny from a vagina you accept a separate diagnostic currettage of a uterus with the subsequent histological research of a material. It is necessary for making.

Bell (and.. 53243) on June, 29th 2004 17 : 22 : 21
I 28 numbers have written a new question. Very much I ask to look or see and respond.
Bell on June, 28th 2004 17 : 42 : 50
I descended or went to the doctor. Me have sent on US. Here such conclusion I Write literally. A uterus 67* 42* 49, endometry hyperechoic, utolshchyon up to 12, 2, the right ovary 21* 12, left 23* 13, ovaries without cystic changes (transvaginal research). Data for a hyperplasia endometrija (caused or called by reception of Tamoxifenum) the biopsy endometrija Is recommended. I would like to learn or find out, what such hyperechoic endometry? And a hyperplasia endometrija. And as is an oncologic disease connected with excision of a breast or this another?
Smirnov D.R. on June, 28th 2004 02 : 34 : 34
Yes, it is necessary to descend or go to the doctor.

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To respond to the report:
The report:

Smirnov D.R.
05.07.2004, 00:41
Pyometra it when pus in a cavity of the uterus. But neponjatno-such diagnosis the conclusion after histological research? Or not? Really it or he could not be put clinically? Where the conclusion about a status endometrija? piomerta not the morphological diagnosis and in the similar form he should not sound after a microscopy.

08.07.2004, 12:42
About a status endometrija the doctor has written spent US. Above there is a conclusion of US. And here in the histological conclusion nothing is written besides that is found out piomerta and malignant body height is not present. The doctor has told or said, what is it an endometritis or an endometriosis, I have not remembered. Also has appointed or nominated treatment. I to you have described it or him above. Here also I wish to ask. Can eat still what that treatment besides that to me have appointed or nominated? Moreover the cytologic research was. It is written, that yeast-like funguses +, coccuses +, leucocytes 3 4 in p/zr. More nothing is written in one result of research. And on these researches it is impossible to establish or install the diagnosis? Is necessary that that still or even to check up? It is not enough of it or this what to appoint or nominate treatment?

Smirnov D.R.
11.07.2004, 17:16
The pyometra is a clinical diagnosis, its or his analogue, after the histological conclusion should sound APPROXIMATELY SO - " in a material a picture of a chronic purulent endometritis in a status of the expressed exacerbation. atipicheskaja a glandular hyperplasia endometrija ". Piometra-this purulent inflammation endometrija, accompanied a clump of pus in a cavity of the uterus. It is any not an endometriosis. By the way this pyometra the doctor of US was as precisely diagnostsirovat, but he why that has stopped on the diagnosis of a hyperplasia. The obvious divergence of diagnostics of a status endometrija on US, and after a microscopy is available. Consult tissue specimens in other place. Yes if it is fair - that and clinic of an inflammation at you slabenkaja.

13.07.2004, 20:25
If clinic of an inflammation slabenkaja you that suspect that another? And about treatment you have not responded. Sufficient treatment to me have appointed or nominated?
And more you advise to consult in other place, and where to take now gistopreparat. It again cleaning? You schitaeie that at me not zndometrit, and more seryoznoe disease?

Smirnov D.R.
14.07.2004, 03:52
In the previous answers to you have hinted at an opportunity of presence of the second tumour which in your case is quite often localized and in endometrii. Tissue specimens stand out by inquiry uchchrezhdenija which will spend consultation of your case. Glasses are in histological laboratory pathoanathomical otdeleneija.

15.07.2004, 01:26
The doctor, I have understood your hint, but if all taki it not the second tumour the ordered treatment is enough for treatment of a purulent endometritis? Please do not become angry. I understand, that have bothered you with the questions.

Smirnov D.R.
18.07.2004, 13:48
Yes I do not become angry. Simply treatment do not wash konek. You address in konfu the gynecologist with a question about adekvtanosti therapies of a pyometra which, from my point of view, is doubtful enough. You understand the histological conclusion should sootvetsvovat to results of US and a clinical picture, well though as that. In your case at each doctor the diagnosis, is not present an integrated transparent picture.