Просмотр полной версии : At my pregnant wife (16 week) the credit is found in a blood 1/256 Ig 6 and will put...

17.07.2004, 09:02
At my pregnant wife (16 week) the credit is found in a blood 1/256 Ig 6 and positive reaction to chlamydias and ureplazmy at crop. The doctor recommended to buy or purchase Nistatinum and more I booze medicines and to come to Monday. On the Internet I have read through, that Nistatinum is counter-indicative to pregnant women and in general before 20 weeks similar not lechjat. What to do or make?

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.07.2004, 10:33
Vs e the specified infections need to be treated after 20 weeks, now it is necessary only prophylaxis FPN - if there are deviations or rejections from a placenta.