Просмотр полной версии : Thanks for the answer to a question from November, 8-thth about an opportunity, but nezhelatelnos...

16.07.2004, 20:14
Thanks for the answer to a question from November, 8-thth about an opportunity, but undesirability of augmentation of a menstrual cycle by means of Dianas-35. At me one more question. You have mentioned about complications, somehow: tromboeboliju and venous stagnation. Tell or say please, these complications estesstvenny for people accepting Dianas-35 or they can arise only as a result of long flight and change of a climate, how in this case? I accept Dianas already almost year. I remember, in Israel I had a doctor genikolog the native of Russia and he categorically did not advise me to accept of Dianas more than half a year in a kind of that, what is it very strong hormonal preparation. Odnaka the doctor the endocrinologist in Canada where I now live, approves or confirms, that it is less than for a year-one and a half he this preparation does not register differently it be no point in treatment - results will be imperceptible and nedolgovremenny. (Here it is necessary to notice, that I have addressed to the doctor-endocrinologist in occasion of raised or increased Prolactinum in a blood, gersutizma and akne). What do you think in this occasion? We shall tell or say so, on whose you to the party or side?

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.07.2004, 09:43
I agree, that to Diana not okazyvaetnikakogo effect at his reception less half a year, to accept OK it is necessary under the control of analyses of a blood over biochemistry and coagulability (to hand over them it is necessary time in half a year). Therefore if there is a necessity, it is possible proldit a cycle not doing or making a break, for uspokaenija souls or douches sdalat the analysis of a blood on a prothrombin (so will be more competent than to experience in occasion of complications which arise from reception OK, but flight them does not provoke)